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Hot lead in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: not leastlast but not leasthotlyhotlinehot linetootlemotleyrootle
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1. That's what we call a HOT lead!
2. Or perhaps your boss has handed you a hot lead from Lapland--will anyone be in the office to take your call?
3. As far back as 1874 in fact, a rumour was going strong that a lady got pregnant by way of a little hot lead.
4. The Vulcan humvee will fire in deadly bursts of hot lead, sure to blow any aircraft out of the sky.
5. Remove the injector sensor wire and the glow plug hot lead.
6. California is in addition to the world outside of Asia, shark fin consumption in most areas, the ban on local residents, especially ethnic Chinese residents in the hot lead.
More similar words: not leastlast but not leasthotlyhotlinehot linetootlemotleyrootlefootlerootletbootlegchipotlerootlessbootlessspotlesspilotlessaristotlenot less thanspotlesslybootleggermotley foolbootleggingpilotless aircrafthotheadhotheadedheadshotleadat leastpleadlead up
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